E-mail Tracking System

How to track mails send to customers with status? I found some solution to track all mail send to customers for any business or non-business purposes. We can send the bulks of email to target audiences but tracking process is some difficulty. I am also facing this problem to tracking emails then searching for the solution in a lot of web sources. At last found software for tracking emails, that software is Apptivo. Using this software to send and track all emails with every moment update are automatically displayed. Let I explain about this software and how it track all emails. Tracking E-mails Send emails to target audience for business purposes after sending emails, click communication status option inside Apptivo campaigns application. It contains some categories of mail status like Emails, Delivered, Opened, Clicked, Blocked, Unsubscribe, Spam, and Bounced. This all categories have some criteria it count increase. Discuss one by one about this status. Emails have shown...