How to Send the Quotation to Web Design Company?
Nowadays, business strategies increased rapidly based on business type send the quotation to the company. But some of the company faced problems to send business estimates. To overcome these obstacles, using the Apptivo Estimates application to generate sales quotes for your services and send this to web design company. What is Estimates? Estimates app is used to generate a sales quotes and provide this quote to the company. Once the quotation is approved by the company then status is automatically changed to quotes approved. How Apptivo Estimates helps to send quotes? Through Apptivo Estimates app to create the new Quotes based on services provided to web design company. After sending Estimates, it waits for approval of the company. When quotes is approved next start a workflow. Generate the quotes for web design layout services, here tasks options are available there so easily mention tasks, add multiple of tasks in a single estimates and how many hours worked for them....