
General view about Invoice

Now ready for the better knowledge experience about a Invoice.Let we start the transmogrify,now a days every working style,thinking and way of approach upgraded in a massively and another important matter mentioned in this place is our world changed into digital world.People mind set is glowed to working in a smart way.At a stage of beginning doing all works in a manually(paper work) now most of them moved to systematically.We are doing business with a company for each and every services,product and sales.A company provide invoice to customers for their services.I explain this scenario in the existing and now a day's usage of Invoice

Old age

Initial stage of invoice sending through a manuscript,it takes time to reach a customerBases on their customerscompany give offer to pay the amount being billedTechnically say this term is net 30,40,90 anythingthe company giving time period to pay an amount for their services to customers.

New age

Today, most of the company sending invoices to customers through computerizedIt means generating invoices through an application developed for this purposesending an invoice through E-mail and also print a invoices in a PDF format.
Above lines explain some general information about the invoices. Let see in-depth of Invoice.


An Invoice is a payment statement that is given to a customer's or client for our items,services.No of items purchased, shipping through that produce a invoices.Service provider perspective, an invoice is said as sales invoice and user perspective,an invoice is saying as Purchase invoice.

Invoice app

Top most software companies provide an invoice application with many integrated applicationsThat company is Apptivo software private Ltdcontribute their product to a userA customers use this app for their businessit helps to do our business activities very easily and no burden for employees and employersSome more information about a Apptivo invoice apps are
  • Two ways of Invoice are
  1. Items
  2. Services
  3. Both(Items & Services)

  • Creating an Invoice in Apptivo through
  1. New Invoice
  2. Another Invoice
  3. Project
  4. Timesheet
  5. Work order
  6. order

New Invoice

Create a Invoice newly

Another Invoice

Creating an Invoice from existing Invoices


Generating an Invoice through project application,because customers project developed by  an organization.If a company send invoice for developed project to customers.Billing methods in project apps within that also creating an Invoices.


Time & Expenses in a project,how many hours employees worked in project and milestones completed during project further produce Invoice.But one condition once milestone is approved afterwards convert into Invoices.

Recurring Invoice

Automatically generate Invoices that are sent to your customersThis type of Invoice is recurring Invoice,the same services are provided to a particular or group of customers in a time period (weekmonth,year)In this situation using a recurring Invoice.

Benefits of using Apptivo Invoice app

  • To reduce your time of working for generate Invoice
  • Sending Invoices through E-mail
  • Export an Invoice in IIF(Intuit Interchange format)
  • Record a payment of Invoices,paid Invoices are automatically recorded.
  • This record payment will helps you in the time of analyse about unpaid Invoice
  • Integration app assist you to creating Invoices for project,Timesheets,Work order and order
  • Four billing methods available in project management,generating a Invoice for each stages in this methods.


Invoices are sent to your customers at a right time without any burdenDo the work in a systematically it manage your time.
More details click Here  Apptivo Invoice app


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